Make a difference with Adventures in Life

Short-term mexico Missions 2.0… ministry done right… Helping, not hurting, in partnership together, in community with local churches and organizations…

Physical Health
Economic Health
Spiritual Health
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Health & Medical Clinics

Since 2010 more than 17,000 people have been served by our medical teams across Oaxaca. Working with medical professionals from across both sides of the border, Adventures in Life has become a trusted health care provider to thousands of indigenous people each year.

Health & Medical Clinics​

You can make a difference in someone’s life in Oaxaca. Our clinics serve indigenous populations regularly left behind by for profit and government health care options in the state. We’ve built an organic network of local medical providers, but we need your help to fill out our teams. If you can give us a week, we’ll help you realize what it can be like to step outside yourself and truly serve others. Click here to drop us a line and get the details…

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Economic Health & Development

Adventures in Life Ministry has been a leader in community relief and development since our founding over 30 years ago. If you want to serve short term and help make a real difference in someone’s life, join one of our teams and connect in a way few others organizations can offer.

Disaster and pandemic relief

When disaster strikes, people need help. Quickly. Since 1996 AIL Ministry has helped thousands of people across Mexico recover from the losing their homes, earthquakes, political violence and even massive food insecurity as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether it is clean water, money for recovery or rebuilding, AIL has been there.

Community & Economic Development

Through our Discovery Camps, training, loans, and community connections, AIL and Hagamos Composta are helping people in both Guadalajara and Oaxaca get valuable real life skills, jobs and training to equip them to get ahead in life and make meaningful change so they can help better feed their families and loved ones.

Clean, Safe, Drinking Water

Perhaps no resource on the planet is as important as clean, safe drinking water. Since 2015, AIL has provided both families and communities with water filters throughout Oaxaca, giving thousands the gift of clean, safe drinking water. This has helped people economically and led to better health outcomes in the places we serve.

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Spiritual Health & Outreach

Adventures in Life Ministry has been a leader in local church development and outreach in Mexico since 1992. Through construction of worship centers in 5 different states, to development of local camping ministries and leadership development, AIL Ministry has demonstrated longevity and an ability to work and serve in local communities in a way few other mission organizations can match.

Church Building

We began helping small congregations get safe, secure buildings where they could worship back when we started in 1992. It’s one of the centerpieces of our work in Mexico. Since then, we’ve helped 17 different congregations build their worship centers. If you want to be part of helping make the dream of a facility for a small congregation come true, reach out, we’d love to talk. This is a prefect ministry for groups who not only want to serve together, but make a real tangible kingdom difference.

Men of AIL Ministry

Since 2005 Adventures in Life has hosted a diverse group of men who come together to work alongside our ministry. We’ve helped build churches, remodel kitchens and provide student housing. Now we’re helping reimagine a local camp in Guadalajara. In addition to a week of work, you’ll go deeper in your faith and come away with the satisfaction of knowing you helped do something huge for the Kingdom of God. One week to make a difference. Will you join us?

AIL Outreach Camp Rancho Tunillo Oaxaca
Outreach Camps

Every year over 400 children and young people experience a week of camp through Adventures in Life and our partners in Ensenada, Guadalajara and Oaxaca. For some this is the most significant week in their young walk with Christ. We need energetic young people and adults to act as counselors, leaders and facilitators to help make this ongoing ministry possible. If you can run all day, are great with crafts or can just make sure a little one gets a needed hug and some special love, we can use your help.

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The Impact of Adventures in Life

30+ years of mission and ministry across mexico

short term mission, long term impact